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Yoga Workshop - Alignment clinic for the safety in advanced Yoga Asana

Sun, 28 Feb


Online Live Workshop

It is easy to do incorrectly in progressive (aka advanced) Asana. The base Asana alignments are still used the same in advanced poses. Stay safe in your practice, let's call in what is happening at shoulders, hips, lower back, elbow, knees and wrist in Asana. Do it correctly & safely for longevity.

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Yoga Workshop - Alignment clinic for the safety in advanced Yoga Asana
Yoga Workshop - Alignment clinic for the safety in advanced Yoga Asana

Time & Location

28 Feb 2021, 14:00 – 16:00 GMT

Online Live Workshop

About the Event

Yoga Alignment Workshop:

We all want to progress and prove that we can do those advanced poses one day?

That is ok but when we rush, either moving too fast and not paying attention to the base alignments, it can cause some potential issues.

We might cheat to find some shortcuts and find us in the pose, woohoo!

Just like anything else in life we want more and more and faster and faster, familiar?

I think it is a modern lifestyle habit that we are taking into our yoga practice instead of using yoga to slow down… ops.

I believe experience plays a very important role if we want to become great at something.

The skyscraper buildings stay steady and safe for years only if the base is steady and the structure is aligned.

Same thing applies in Yoga structure and mastering the piece of Asana to more advanced poses when these alignments can be not so visible when you are upside down, for example. You need to know what it feels like.

So this is our first Asana clinic session. Q&A and go through base alignment that applies to all the poses.

Keep the practice safe and durable.

If you feel struggle and heavy, the alignment is likely to be wrong....

Any questions? Please get in touch for more info.


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